How to register to Adfly?
- Click on the Adfly
- Click on Join Now
- Choice join type
You have 2 way to join Adfly:
4. click on Sing in with Google
5. choice Google account to sign in to Adfly
6. sign in to Adfly
b) Create username and password
1. in the filled Your Name: enter your full name
2. in the filled Username choice your username
3. in the filled Email enter your valid email address
4. in the filled Retype Email: retype entered email
5. in the filled Password choice strong password
6. in the filled Retype Password: retype entered password
7. in the filled Type the text: Type captcha text you see in Human Check
8. choice Account Type: Earn or Advertise
9. check you agree to the terms and conditions.
10. Click on Sing up
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