You can earn extra money from your youtube channel, if you have the music content. Put the links to MP3 download and lyrics in description of your music video on youtube.
You will be paid by the AD FLY for each click on the download link or the link for the lyrics, which are shortened through their service to shorten links. Look payout rates.
Here's an example:
How to do that?
Follow these steps:
1. Sing up for AD FLY free account.
2. Covert your video to mp3 on and get download link.
3. Shorten mp3 download link through AD FLY.
4. Find and shorten the link to lyrycs through AD FLY.
5. Put Ad FLY links to the MP3 download and lyrics below the youtube video in description.
When you finish all steps, you will start making money. Payments are every first Monday of the month via PayPal or AlertPay account.
If something is not clear, ask in the comment.
Good luck!!!
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